National Fund for Municipal Workers


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National Treasury Media Statement

The following media statement was released by National Treasury on 11 August 2021 on the process and approach to preservation and access to retirement savings. In response to the many media queries, National Treasury wishes to provide more details on the approach and planned timelines concerning the proposal to allow for greater preservation with limited pre-retirement withdrawals from retirement funds.

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NFMW Latest news update July 2021

We are proud to announce that the NFMW was again amongst the best of the best at the 2021 Institute of Retirement Funds Africa's Best Practices Industry awards, in receiving three awards in recognition for best practices in Governance, Stakeholder Engagement and Investment Practices.

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Important Notice - NFMW-office closure

In the interest of the safety and health of our staff and members, the NFMW's offices will remain closed for all walk-in visitors. Our staff will continue to work remotely to ensure the minimum disruption in our operations.

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NFMW Latest news update

We wish to congratulate our Principal Executive Officer, Mr Leslie Ndawana, who was elected to serve on the Batseta Board of Directors. Batseta is a non-profit organisation that serves the interests of principal officers, trustees and fund fiduciaries within the retirement industry.

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Retirement fund rationalisation & Freedom of Association (FOA)

The NFMW has previously communicated on the proposed rationalisation/restructuring of Local Government retirement funds which will allow members to move to the fund of their choice and take up membership at that fund.

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NFMW Latest news update

Members are reminded of the following changes that came into effect on 1 March 2021. Retirement benefits from provident funds are now treated in the same way as pension funds.

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Retirement Reform: What you need to know

The fund has previously communicated on the retirement reform changes that will come into effect on 1 March 2021. These changes were initially meant to be implemented on 1 March 2015 but were postponed to 1 March 2021 to get an agreement between all stakeholders, including stakeholders at NEDLAC level.

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COVID-19: Let us all be responsible together

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of our lives and we wish to express our heartfelt condolences to everyone who has lost loved ones during these trying times. We believe we are better when we work together.

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NFMW Default life stage model: New approach to portfolio switching effective from 1 March 2021

The NFMW applies a life stage model which automatically takes members through different investment portfolios i.e. aggressive to more conservative portfolios as they near retirement age.

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