National Fund for Municipal Workers


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February 2017

Did you know that less than 7% of South African's are able to retire comfortably one day?

Investment performance has a direct effect on the growth of your retirement savings. We are happy to report on a cumulative positive return on all the portfolios, despite the volatile markets and have included the fund's latest investment portfolio returns.

Making informed decisions when you resign and retire is as important as good investment returns. Be sure to watch our latest video on this important topic.

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January 2017

This is our first edition for 2017 and we are excited about what the new year has in store for the NFMW.

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Retirement reform update

Over the past four years, the National Fund for Municipal Workers (NFMW) has, on numerous occasions, communicated progress on retirement reform proposals by National Treasury. These regulations were initially scheduled for implementation in March 2015, but were postponed amid concerns that members would not be able to access their pension benefits prior to retirement, once these new regulations were  introduced. These concerns unfortunately, fuelled premature resignations to access retirement funds. 

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2015/2016 Annual Report

The Annual report, covers the activities of the fund for the financial year 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. 

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November 2016

Our membership has grown to more than 43 000 members nationally. The fund's total assets have increased by R2 billion during the year under review, to over R12 billion. The fund performed well in terms of its investment objectives. The returns added to members' fund credits over this period were well above inflation, with the Aggressive portfolio achieving in excess of 10%. Administration costs have reduced to only 0.5% of pensionable salary. Funeral benefits have improved with a reduction in risk cover cost.

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October 2016

Can you believe that we are at the end of October already, which means there are only two months left until the end of 2016? This is also the time of the year when we prepare the annual report, which provides an overview of the fund for the 2015/2016 financial year, as well as a personalised benefit statement for all fund members. Please be on the lookout for these important documents, which will be posted during the month of November 2016.

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September 2016

As part of our objective to inform and educate our members we have created an educational video, which provides you with an overview of the benefits and services provided by the fund. This, as well as the latest investment performance and important reminders are included in this update.

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Member Newsletter (August 2016)

Our latest member newsletter is available and includes details of the recent Fund developments, increased funeral cover, reduced risk cover cost and much more.

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Website competition!

Give us your feedback on the new website and stand a chance to win exciting prizes. All you need to do is tell us where you found the hidden icon by completing the competition entry form. Thank you and good luck!

Closing date for the competition is 31 October 2016.

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