National Fund for Municipal Workers


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September update


We are pleased to report that the respective NFMW investment portfolios are continuing to outperform their investment objectives. The latest portfolio returns are provided in this edition and also uploaded onto the fund website on a monthly basis. Members can register for the interactive facility, which enables them to access information on their current risk cover options, investment portfolios selected and their updated fund credit.

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NFMW wins award!

The NFMW is honoured to have received this prestigious award which confirms our commitment to reach our objectives which are; to always keep our members informed about what is happening in their fund, educate them so they understand the benefits they enjoy as members, guide and provide them with the necessary tools through ongoing personal interaction and equip them to make informed decisions to ultimately retire financially sound.

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August update

Enjoy reading this edition of the monthly mailer, which includes an article on divorce claims submitted to the fund and the latest portfolio investment returns declared.

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July update

The latest newsletter is included in this edition of the news update. A copy of the newsletter will also be posted to all fund members with their benefits statements during the month of August.

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Improved benefits effective 1 July 2017

We are excited to announce that from the 1st of July 2017, NFMW members enjoy improved benefits and have the option to make use of any of the following voluntary products;

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May update

In this edition we focus on the risk cover provided by the fund.

What is risk cover? It is the death and disability cover you elect to have in the fund, to make provision for the unforeseen. It is a re-insured benefit provided by Sanlam and every month the cost of the cover (depending on the risk cover option elected) is deducted from the employer contributions. 

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April update

We already are in the second quarter of 2017 and with all the public holidays behind us for now, it is full speed ahead. This edition of the news update includes an article on the fund's investments, including life stages, member investment choice and portfolio switches.

There is still time to enter our Facebook competition and please remember to complete our survey, your feedback is important to us. 

Enjoy reading and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require assistance with fund related matters.

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News update - The impact of SA’s rating downgrade

President Zuma’s decision to remove the Finance Minister and undertake the most comprehensive Cabinet reshuffle since 1994 came as a shock to markets and investors, both locally and abroad, and put paid to speculation that he would temper his actions in the face of heated opposition from all quarters this week.

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March 2017

At the National Fund for Municipal Workers we believe in going the extra mile in ensuring that our members are always kept informed. We issue four newsletters and not one, but two benefit statements per year. We also send out quarterly fund credit sms notifications.

Communication can only be effective if it reaches our members and we again appeal to you to contact us if your details have changed, or click here to submit the updated information.

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