2018 Trustee Elections (Deadline 12 April 2018)
As you are aware, the National Fund for Municipal Workers (NFMW) is in the
process of electing four members of the Board of Trustees for the next term of
office commencing 1 May 2018.
The first phase of the election process has been completed and the following valid nominations were received by the fund:
Province | Number of valid nominations received | Candidates |
Gauteng | 6 |
Lourens Aldum Deidré Cloete Louwrens Geldenhuys Phaladi Mokgahla Letsatsi Moleli Lucky-Mor Mphuti |
Western Cape, Eastern Cape and Northern Cape combined | 4 |
Mbongeni Ngqinambi Ludwe Nani Robert Solomons August Tiemie |
Limpopo | 3 |
Kobus Burger Beverley Buys Nhlavabvu Nkuna |
Mpumalanga (no voting required) | 1 | Charles Antonio |
Members employed at the municipalities within these provinces are entitled, but not compelled, to vote for a maximum of one (1) of these candidates. The election documentation will be sent to these members via post and is also available on the fund's website www.nationalfund.co.za or can be downloaded by clicking on the links provided below.
We look forward to your active participation.
Kind regards
Sean Samons
Principal Executive Officer
Indemnity statement
The National Fund for Municipal Workers does not accept liability for any loss, damage or expense that may be incurred as a direct result or consequence of reliance upon the information in this document. If there is any conflict between the information in this document and the actual Rules of the Fund, the actual Rules of the Fund will prevail.
Please click on the links below to download the election documentation which explains the election process, provides a profile of each of the candidates and contains the election form.
- GAUTENG - Click here to download
- WESTERN, EASTERN and NORTHERN CAPE - Click here to download
- LIMPOPO - Click here to download
The completed election form can be faxed to 086 668 1155 or e-mailed to
elections@nationalfund.co.za or posted to P.O. Box 15515, Sinoville, 0129,
to reach the offices of the National Fund for Municipal Workers before the closing date.
The closing date for the submission of election forms is 12 April 2018.