Hot off the press
This is our first news update for 2018 and we, at the NFMW, wish you and your loved ones a year filled with peace, prosperity and happiness. We are excited about the year ahead and will, as always, keep you informed about what is happening in the fund through our regular updates.
The latest development within the NFMW is the election of the new Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Charles Antonio. He will be taking over the reins from Mr. Ron Field, who after 20 years of loyal service and dedication to the NFMW, will be retiring at the end of January 2018. We are grateful to him for the invaluable contributions he has made towards the successes of the NFMW.
Enjoy reading and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or require assistance with fund-related matters.
Kind regards
Sean Samons
Principal Executive Officer
Indemnity statement
The National Fund for Municipal Workers does not accept liability for any loss, damage or expense that may be incurred as a direct result or consequence of reliance upon the information in this document. This document is for information purposes. If there is any conflict between the information in this document and the actual Rules of the Fund and/or the policy conditions the actual Rules of the Fund and/or policy will prevail.
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Newly elected Chairperson of the Board of Trustees
Mr. Charles Antonio, has been elected as the new Chairperson of the NFMW, effective 1 February 2018.
Charles is employed by the Emalahleni municipality and has been a member of the NFMW since 1998. He was elected as a trustee in 2008 and has served as the Chairperson of the Communications Committee and a member of the Executive Committee for the past nine years.
He has also served in numerous local, provincial and national structures such as the Independent Municipal & Allied Trade Union (IMATU), the South African Local Government Bargaining Council (SALGBC) and Local Government Sector Training Authority (LGSETA), including the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC).
Charles describes himself as a team player and a champion of change and transformation who believes in the collective and united leadership of the Board of Trustees.
When asked what his vision for the NFMW is, he said "My vision is to strive to make NFMW to be the benchmark of excellence in providing retirement benefits including financial security to our members and their dependants. Furthermore, to provide professional leadership that encompasses, among others, financial stability and /or growth of both the fund and members."
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The NFMW will be conducting trustee elections from February to April 2018. Further details on the number of vacancies per province and the election process will be communicated shortly.
<h3>Investment portfolio performance</h3>
Portfolio | Nov ‘17 | Cumulative YTD |
Capital Protector | 0.46% | 3.40% |
Stable Growth | 0.39% | 5.04% |
Capital Growth | 0.09% | 7.86% |
Aggressive Growth | 0.14% | 8.76% |
Shari’ah | (1.31%) | 8.91% |
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Fund factsheets
<h3>Funeral benefit (qualifying child from 26 weeks of pregnancy up to six years of age)</h3>
Did you know? In terms of legislation the total funeral benefit payable in respect of a child younger than six years may not exceed the amount of R10 000. Therefore in the event of a member having dual membership (Category A and Category C member) only the Category C-benefit of R10 000 will be payable. Please feel free to contact us if you need further information.
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Download the 2016/2017 Annual report