Dear NFMW member
The Fund is in the process of conducting Trustee elections to fill three vacancies on the Board of Trustees, effective 1 November 2023. There are two vacancies in Gauteng and one in Mpumalanga. NFMW-members employed at participating employers within these provinces may participate in the elections.
Before you can vote for a fellow member of the Fund to become a trustee, the name of possible candidates must be put forward. The process of collecting and collating names of such members who are proposed, qualify and who are willing to stand for election is called NOMINATION. Each member has the right to nominate another member to stand for election in his/her own province. You are invited, but not compelled to nominate and each member may nominate only one person. You may not nominate yourself.
Your nomination form can be e-mailed or faxed to reach the offices of the National Fund for Municipal Workers by the closing date. The e-mail address to be used is elections@nationalfund.co.za. The fax number to be used is 086 668 1155.
The closing date for the submission of nominations is 4 August 2023.
Details of the elections and the nomination form are provided below, and you are welcome to contact the Fund on 080 112 2884, should you require any further information.
We look forward to your active participation.
Best regards
The Office of the Principal Executive Officer