National Fund for Municipal Workers

Our Fund

The NFMW has different member categories, namely Category C (Main retirement savings category) and Category A (Supplementary retirement vehicle). Category E is for members who previously belonged to the National Pension Fund for Municipal Workers or where transfers to NFMW were effected from a pension fund. These member categories offer competitive benefits and have an excellent long-term investment track record.

Category C

This is the main retirement savings category, members contribute between 7.5% to 9% and the employer 18% towards retirement. Members can choose between various risk categories to best suit their individual needs. The benefits in this category include :

Risk cover
Disability benefit
Repartriation benefit
Funeral benefit
Housing loans
Withdrawal benefit
Financial planning
Psychological wellness program

Category A

This Category, also known as the 2%-fund, is a supplementary retirement savings vehicle for employees within Local Government, both the member and employer contribute 2%. The benefits in this category include :

Risk cover
Disability benefit
Repartriation benefit
Funeral benefit
Housing loans
Withdrawal benefit
Financial planning
Psychological wellness program

Category E

This Category is for members who previously belonged to the National Pension Fund for Municipal Workers or where transfers to NFMW were effected from a pension fund. Category E members need to purchase a pension/annuity with at least two-thirds of their fund credit when they retire.

Why should I become a member?

Read a quick summary on why you should join our fund, what benefits we provide and view the funds short and long-term investment returns

Fund category comparison

See the table below to compare the differences between Category C and A

Benefits Category C Category A
Monthly contributions 7.5% - 9% member
18% employer
2% member
2% employer
Risk cover
Disability benefit
Repartriation benefit
Funeral benefit
Housing loans
Withdrawal benefit
Financial planning
Psychological wellness program
Category C
Annual contributions 7.5% - 9% member
18% employer
Risk cover
Disability benefit
Repartriation benefit
Funeral benefit
Housing loans
Withdrawal benefit
Financial planning
Psychological wellness program
Category A
Annual contributions 2% member
2% employer
Risk cover
Disability benefit
Repartriation benefit
Funeral benefit
Housing loans
Withdrawal benefit
Financial planning
Psychological wellness program
Category E
Annual contributions
Risk cover
Disability benefit
Repartriation benefit
Funeral benefit
Housing loans
Withdrawal benefit
Financial planning
Psychological wellness program